Help children to value truth and to be willing and able to do the work of discerning it...

Help children to value truth and to be willing and able to do the work of discerning it...
Running out of things to do at home? Music is the gift that keeps on giving!
April is National Poetry Month! Here are some great poetry e-books to enjoy from home...
Stories of putting others' needs first, and of feeling thankful for those who have done so for us...
Can't find the books you want in e-format in the library catalog? Don't forget about these resources too!
These books can help remind little ones of the love of their grandparents, even as they may not be able to spend time physically together...
Here are e-books you can check out RIGHT now, from home with your library card!
Help kids take hold of scary feelings and keep anxiety from taking control...
Even when the library's closed (or your backpack is too full), you can ALWAYS get more books!
Help children process the fear and anxiety brought on by scary news...