Serving others, Saying thanks

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If there is any silver lining to the struggle against coronavirus, it is that it has brought to the foreground just how many people in the world are willing to put the needs of others’ before their own. Countless nurses, doctors, grocery workers, delivery people and more have spent the past weeks putting themselves at risk in order to care for and meet the needs of their community.

Here are a dozen great books which could open up conversations with kids about what it means to serve others and to express gratitude when you are the recipient of this kind of incredible service.



Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts, illustrated by Noah Z. Jones

A little boy finally gets the shoes he’s been longing for…but then notices a need greater than his own.

Sam and the Lucky Money (on Bookflix) by Karen Chinn, illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu

Sam has lots of ideas about how to spend his New Year money. A chance encounter changes them all.

Don’t Say a Word, Mama / No digas nada, mamá by Joe Hayes, illustrated by Esau Andrade Valencia

Two grown daughters are so generous with the bounty of their gardens, their mother doesn’t know what to do with all these veggies!

Para ganar: compartir / Winning by Giving by Taylor K. Barton

This nonfiction book looks at the many ways our lives are enriched and fulfilled by serving others.



The Can Man by Laura E. Williams, illustrated by Craig Orback

Tim plans to save up for a skateboard but is changed by his time with the “can man.”

Little Lion Shares by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Oriol Vidal

Sharing is something we learn to do, and this little lion is well on his way.

Thank You, Omu by Oge Mora

Grandma has been so generous with her stew, there’s none left for her supper? Will her neighbors leave her hungry?

The Magic Ball of Wool El ovillo magico by Susanna Isern, illustrated by Nora Hilb

When used to make a gift, this magical yarn becomes exactly what the recipient wanted. But what will happen when it runs out?



Giving Thanks: Poems, Prayers, and Praise Songs of Thanksgiving copmiled by Katherine Paterson, illustrated by Pamela Dalton

A beautiful collection of words of wisdom from cultures around the world.

Mine! by Shutta Crum, illustrated by Patrice Barton

Sharing isn’t always easy. Luckily the family dog helps teach this small protagonist the ways of giving.

I am Thankful by Suzy Capozzi, illustrated by Eren Unten

A simple and straightforward story of a boy finding things to be thankful for all around.

Gracias / Thanks by Pat Mora, illustrated by John Parra

A bilingual poetic celebration of feeling gratitude for the little things in life.


These stories are sure to lift your spirits, and will likely help little ones notice more and more the many ways people serve each other all around us every day.

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